
美国关税举措后 投资者加大对英国央行降息的押注

After the USA's tariff measures, investors increased their bets on the interest rate cut by the Bank of England.

Breakings ·  Feb 3 15:59

On Monday, as the global market fluctuated due to the USA's tariff measures, investors raised their bets on the pace of interest rate cuts by the Bank of England. As of 7:35 AM GMT on Monday (3:35 PM in Peking), the interest rates futures market anticipated that the Bank of England would cut rates by about 80 basis points before December this year, compared to the expectation of 75 basis points last Friday. The probability of the Bank of England cutting rates by 25 basis points after the February Monetary Policy Committee meeting was seen as 94%, also higher than Friday's level.

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