
俄击落多架乌无人机 碎片致一炼油厂失火

Russia shot down multiple Ukrainian Drones, and debris caused a fire at an oil refinery.

Breakings ·  Jan 31 21:52

On January 31, the Russian Ministry of Defense stated that the Russian air defense system intercepted and destroyed 49 Ukrainian Drones in seven regions across the country overnight. The government of Volgograd Oblast in Russia reported that debris from the downed Drones fell onto the Volgograd Oil Refinery, causing a fire at the facility, which has since been extinguished, resulting in one injury. Andrei Kovalenko, head of the Anti-Fake Information Center of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council, mentioned on Social Media on the 31st that the Volgograd Oil Refinery, designed with an annual capacity of 14 million tons of finished oil, was attacked, although Kovalenko did not disclose specific details of the attack.

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