

Google has offered a "voluntary departure plan" to employees of the "Platform and Devices" team at its USA headquarters.

Breakings ·  Jan 31 08:37

According to reports, Google has currently issued an internal notice to the employees of the "Platform and Devices" team at its USA headquarters, launching a "voluntary departure plan" that encourages employees to resign voluntarily and promises appropriate severance compensation. It is reported that this notice was issued by Rick Osterloh, the senior vice president of the "Platform and Devices" team, who claimed in the email: "Last year, we merged two large organizations, and now our team is in a phase of rapid growth, with many important tasks still to be completed in the future. Therefore, we hope each member of the team can fully commit and focus on efficiently creating excellent products, while employees can also choose to opt out." Typically, when a company proposes a "voluntary departure plan," it is often a prelude to planned layoffs. If Google's departure plan fails to attract enough employees to resign voluntarily, the company might very well undertake significant layoffs, similar to last year.

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