

Polls show that more than half of Americans oppose Elon Musk holding a significant position in the Trump administration.

Breakings ·  Jan 31 08:10

According to a report from the Russian Satellite News Agency on January 31, a public opinion poll conducted by Quinnipiac University in the USA shows that more than half of Americans oppose entrepreneur Elon Musk playing an important role in the Trump administration. Previously, The Washington Post referred to Musk as America’s 'shadow president' because of his active involvement in discussions regarding U.S. federal government funding bills, which led to threats of a government shutdown. The report indicated that the poll results show 53% of surveyed Americans disapprove of Musk’s prominent role in the Trump administration, while 39% expressed the opposite opinion. It is reported that 90% of American Democrats disapprove of Musk having a significant role under Trump’s leadership, whereas 73% of Republicans expressed support for it. (Reference news)

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