

In 2024, Vale SA's iron ore production reached 0.328 billion tons, the highest level since 2018.

Breakings ·  Jan 31 08:10

On January 31, according to the production and sales report from Vale SA, the iron ore production for 2024 reached 0.328 billion tons, the highest level since 2018, exceeding the original target of "0.31 billion tons to 0.32 billion tons." In terms of the Copper Business, the Salobo integrated operation area achieved a record annual output. In terms of the Nickel Business, the Voisey's Bay Mine Expansion Project (VBME) has been completed. In the fourth quarter of 2024, iron ore production was 85.3 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 4.1 million tons, a reduction of 5%; iron ore sales were 81.2 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 9.1 million tons, a reduction of 10%.

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