
日本央行行长就货币政策发声 对通胀前景抱有信心

The Governor of the Bank of Japan spoke about monetary policy and expressed confidence in the inflation outlook.

Breakings ·  Jan 31 07:25

The Governor of the Bank of Japan, Kazuo Ueda, stated that financial markets have clearly accepted the message of the Bank of Japan's gradual interest rate hikes, and if the economic outlook materializes, the Bank of Japan will further increase interest rates. Ueda mentioned that after the recent interest rate hikes, the policy settings of the Bank of Japan remain accommodative, and this situation will continue as the central bank continues to support the trend of inflation. The Governor stated that the core inflation rate is trending below the central bank's 2% target. "Our goal is for prices to gradually recover while wages steadily increase," he said. "To achieve this goal, we believe that it is necessary to support economic activity by maintaining a loose monetary policy to gradually raise the core inflation rate to 2%."

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