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Tesla's performance was boosted by its Bitcoin Hold Positions, as the new accounting standards require valuation at Market Cap.

Breakings ·  Jan 30 16:07

Tesla's Bitcoin Hold Positions positively influenced its quarterly performance, benefiting from the impact of new accounting standards for digital assets. Chief Financial Officer Vaibhav Taneja stated during Tesla's Earnings Reports conference call on Wednesday that due to this accounting method, its Net income was boosted by $0.6 billion from the digital token's valuation at Market Cap. As early as the prosperous period of Cryptos in 2021, Tesla disclosed a total investment of $1.5 billion in Bitcoin. According to the latest quarterly report, the net value of digital assets on its balance sheet is $1.08 billion. The USA Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) required companies to account for digital assets at fair value, which took effect this year, but allowed early adoption. This regulation, released at the end of 2023, aims to reflect the latest fair value of highly volatile digital assets. The previous approach only allowed companies to record lower values, and enterprises betting on Bitcoin expressed dissatisfaction with this unilateral accounting treatment.

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