

Technical failure leads to the temporary closure of Belgium's airspace.

Breakings ·  Jan 30 16:01

On the 30th, Skeyes, the company responsible for air traffic control in Belgium, announced that due to a technical failure, Belgium's airspace was forcibly closed in the afternoon, causing all takeoff and landing activities at major airports such as Brussels, Antwerp, Ostend, Charleroi, and Liège to be completely suspended. A company spokesperson revealed to the media that the air traffic management system experienced a failure around 3 PM local time on the 30th, resulting in it being unable to function normally. During this time, all aircraft flying in the controlled airspace were safely guided to land at airports in neighboring countries under the guidance of a backup system. Currently, the specific cause of the technical failure is still under investigation. The aviation management department is doing everything possible to address this issue in order to restore air traffic order in Belgium as soon as possible.

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