
如果欧洲央行拉加德加大降息预期 欧元面临风险

If the European Central Bank's Lagarde increases expectations for interest rate cuts, the euro faces risks.

Breakings ·  Jan 30 10:29

Chris Turner from ING Groep stated in a report that if ECB President Lagarde prompts the market to digest lower interest rate expectations, the euro could decline. The ECB is expected to reduce rates by 25 basis points to 2.75%. The money market currently expects rates to further decline to around 2.0% this year. However, ING Groep anticipates that the ECB might lower rates to 1.75% at the earliest in the second quarter, which would clearly lead to a decline in the euro and short-term Eurozone interest rates. Turner mentioned that if Lagarde is inclined to further cut rates, the euro to US dollar exchange rate may fall from the current 1.0405 to 1.0345-1.0355.

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