

India has launched a plan to create indigenous AI foundational models.

Breakings ·  Jan 30 07:55

The Indian government is collaborating with researchers, startups, and companies to create foundational AI models in an effort to keep up with developments in the industry. India's Minister of Technology, Ashwini Vaishnaw, stated on Thursday that the government has selected 18 proposals, which will receive support for computing infrastructure, data, and capital to develop AI-related applications in areas such as Agriculture and climate change. "The foundational models made in India will be able to compete with the best models in the world," he said, adding that six major developers will be able to create the foundational AI models within 8 to 10 months. Vaishnaw, head of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, stated that India will fund 40% of the computing costs for these proposals.

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