

Institutions: It may be difficult to reach a consensus on the future interest rate cut path of the European Central Bank.

Breakings ·  Jan 30 07:48

The debate about when the European Central Bank should end interest rate cuts has begun, but reaching a consensus on future cuts may be more difficult. One reason is that the policies of the new USA President Trump may make the environment more unstable. Trump requested the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates last week, but the Federal Reserve refused this request on Wednesday, stating that it is not in a hurry to act, and any escalation of their war of words could disrupt financial markets. Analyst Konstantin Veit from Pacific Investment Management Company (PIMCO) stated, "The market expects the terminal rate to be around 2%, which is roughly consistent with our estimate of the neutral policy rate for the Eurozone. However, we believe that after the USA elections, the Eurozone's economic growth will face additional downside risks, and the terminal rate may drop."

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