
分析师:欧洲央行今日料将降息25个基点 3月有望继续降息

Analyst: The European Central Bank is expected to cut interest rates by 25 basis points today, with further rate cuts likely in March.

Breakings ·  Jan 30 06:52

Analyst Justin Low from the financial website Forexlive stated that the European Central Bank is expected to cut interest rates by 25 basis points today and to make a similar cut again in March. There is no expectation for a clear prior commitment regarding the latter, but at least it will be close. ECB President Lagarde should reiterate that if things continue along this trajectory, a rate cut in March would be the "right move." The current progress against inflation still faces some obstacles, but given the weakening economy, policymakers must adjust the narrative to piece everything together. This means acknowledging the economic slowdown while discussing progress in combating inflation, without it being bad enough to spark concerns of stagflation. If the ECB does its job well, the euro should not be too adversely affected by today's critical risk event. Traders estimate that the probability of the ECB cutting rates by 25 basis points today is about 96%, with a total cut of 46 basis points expected over the meetings in January and March. This is close to saying that the rate cut is more or less already fully reflected in the pricing.

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