
美官方就客机与军机相撞事故举行发布会 通报最新情况

The U.S. officials held a press conference regarding the collision between a passenger plane and a military aircraft, announcing the latest situation.

Breakings ·  Jan 30 06:47

In the early hours of January 30 local time, the Federal Aviation Administration held a press conference to report the latest situation on the collision between a passenger plane and a military helicopter. U.S. officials explained that there are already over 300 rescue personnel at the accident site. The Mayor of Washington stated at the press conference that details about the victims and survivors of the accident will not be disclosed for now and refused to answer questions regarding the cause of the accident, stating that it is still in the Gold rescue mode. The Mayor confirmed that this information will be released by the U.S. Department of Transportation after the rescue is completed. At the press conference, the Mayor also confirmed that there were 64 passengers aboard the accident plane, while three individuals were on the 'Black Hawk' helicopter, and added that it is currently unclear what mission the helicopter was executing at the time. The overall commander of the rescue operation mentioned at the press conference that the greatest challenge currently faced in the rescue is the deep river water and the lack of light sources.

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