

Mitsubishi UFJ: The FOMC is likely to adopt a cautious stance supporting the dollar, but the tariff policy is key.

Breakings ·  Jan 29 17:28

Mitsubishi UFJ Bank stated that the FOMC statement text in January is expected to be similar to that of December, and the FOMC is likely still satisfied with the guidance that 'in considering the magnitude and timing of any additional adjustments to the federal funds rate target Range, the committee will carefully assess the latest data, the evolving outlook, and the balance of risks.' Four new voting members have been appointed for this decision, including Goolsbee, Collins, Musalem, and Schmidt, and the overall balance between hawks and doves has not changed significantly. Economic data is mixed, and the FOMC may wish to maintain the status quo regarding market expectations of future changes in Federal Reserve policy. Given that the tariff policy has not yet been implemented, the FOMC is likely to avoid becoming more hawkish before the announcement of trade tariffs.

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