

Norfolk Southern's profits exceeded expectations, benefiting from cost reductions and a recovery in the Insurance industry.

Breakings ·  Jan 29 15:18

Norfolk Southern, a USA railroad operator, reported quarterly profits on Wednesday that surpassed Analysts' expectations, primarily due to cost reductions implemented to improve profit margins and better-than-expected Insurance payouts related to a costly derailment incident. The company's stock rose by 4% in early trading. Due to a derailment incident in Eastern Ohio in 2023 that released more than 1 million gallons of hazardous materials and pollutants near the state's border, Norfolk Southern has incurred approximately $1.4 billion in losses over the past two years. Norfolk implemented voluntary and involuntary layoffs last year to help offset some of the impact. Norfolk added that Insurance payouts related to the incident exceeded expenses by $43 million in the fourth quarter.

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