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The Bank of Canada has reduced interest rates by 25 basis points as expected, while the tariff policy may have a significant impact on the economy.

Breakings ·  Jan 29 15:07

On Wednesday, the Bank of Canada lowered the benchmark interest rate for the sixth consecutive time and warned that the U.S.-Canada trade conflict—tariffs as high as 25%—would significantly impact the economy. The Bank of Canada reduced the interest rate by 25 basis points to 3%, which was in line with expectations. The Bank stated that the recent economic rebound had been driven by aggressive rate cuts since June of last year; however, if President Trump follows through on the threat of tariffs, imposing a 25% tariff on imports from Canada and Mexico, the economic rebound would be at risk. Canadian officials have vowed to retaliate strongly. Bank Governor Macklem stated, "A prolonged and widespread trade conflict would severely affect economic activity in Canada."

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