

The Governor of the Czech National Bank: hopes to buy billions of euros in Bitcoin.

Breakings ·  Jan 29 05:40

According to the Financial Times of the United Kingdom, the Governor of the Czech National Bank, Aleš Michl, hopes to use the country's billions of euros in Forex reserves to purchase Bitcoin. Michl stated that he would present a plan to the Board of Directors at the meeting on Thursday. If approved by the Board of Directors, up to 5% of its 140 billion euro reserves could eventually be held in Bitcoin. Michl expressed hope that in about three years, half of the Czech National Bank's stock portfolio would be in USA stocks, up from the current 30%, and that he would 'gradually and modestly' Buy USA stocks. He also mentioned that the Czech National Bank is 'very likely' to lower interest rates by 25 basis points from 4% next week, continuing the rate-cutting cycle that began in December 2023.

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