
面对美国关税威胁和欧洲政治动荡 交易员押注欧洲央行将更激进地降息

Facing the threat of tariffs from the USA and political turmoil in Europe, traders are betting that the European Central Bank will cut interest rates more aggressively.

Breakings ·  Jan 29 05:34

Traders are betting that the European Central Bank will have to cut rates more aggressively due to the tariff threats from the Trump administration and the political turmoil in Europe, which is putting pressure on the Eurozone economy. The market expects that as the European Central Bank cuts rates, the Euro will weaken against the Dollar, possibly falling from the current level of about 1.04 to parity, and bond yields will also decline over the coming months. There is a general expectation that the European Central Bank will lower rates by 25 basis points on Thursday, and traders will be watching for any signs of changes in the decision-makers' stance. The basic expectation is that the European Central Bank will cut rates three more times before the end of the year, with the deposit rate reaching 2% by that time. This will create a divergence from the Federal Reserve's interest rate path. Some strategists have stated that if President Trump’s threat of punitive tariffs materializes, the divergence in interest rates between the USA and Europe will accelerate.

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