
美联储料维持利率不变 为评估特朗普政策影响留出时间

The Federal Reserve is expected to keep interest rates unchanged to allow time to assess the impact of Trump’s policies.

Breakings ·  Jan 29 04:28

The Federal Reserve is expected to keep interest rates unchanged this week, giving itself more time to reduce inflation and evaluate the impact of President Trump's policies on the economy. Since September, the Federal Reserve has cut interest rates three times in a row, with a total reduction of 1 percentage point. Currently, the Federal Reserve's benchmark interest rate Range is 4.25% to 4.5%. Several policymakers have indicated that they expect the number of rate cuts to decrease this year, as data shows that the USA economy is performing robustly and inflation is more stubborn than expected. The December data of the preferred inflation Index, the Personal Consumption Expenditure Price Index, is scheduled to be released on Friday. Gregory Daco, Chief Economist at EY, stated that the Federal Reserve will "pause rate cuts this week, hoping to retain as many options as possible to further adjust the federal funds rate this year." The Federal Reserve will announce its interest rate decision at 2:00 PM Washington time (3:00 AM Beijing time on Thursday), and Powell will hold a press conference 30 minutes later.

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