
日本小型人工智能公司股价飙升 分析师认为它们将从DeepSeek中获益

Stock prices of small AI companies in Japan have surged, and analysts believe that they will benefit from DeepSeek.

Breakings ·  Jan 29 04:17

Stock prices of small to medium-sized AI-related companies in Japan have soared, believing that DeepSeek's low-cost technology will help them reduce costs and develop new products. Software developers PKSHA and Appiers saw an intraday increase of over 10% in Tokyo, while AI development company Laboro AI rose by 9.2% at one point, and AI planning and design company ExaWizards surged by 14%. Jefferies analysts wrote in a report that if DeepSeek's efficiency indicators are accurate, AI development costs may decrease, and Japanese software solution companies could benefit.

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