

Analyst: The Federal Reserve will rely on data, not Trump policies.

Breakings ·  Jan 29 04:03

An analyst indicated that she expects the upcoming Federal Reserve meeting to keep interest rates unchanged, which she believes is what the Fed should do. The Fed lowered interest rates by 100 basis points from September to December last year, when the economy was growing, corporate earnings were on the rise, and inflation was declining. Interest rates may currently be at a very suitable level for our needs. Looking ahead, the analyst believes that the Fed does indeed rely on data. If the economy continues to grow and inflation remains high, she thinks there won’t be much room for the Fed to lower rates, regardless of whether Trump wants to cut rates, as rates have already declined significantly. She expects that Fed Chair Powell is adjusting rates to the level the economy needs, rather than to the level the president desires. It is important to remember that the Fed is independent.

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