

Goldman Sachs: It is expected that the Bank of England will cut interest rates 6 times by mid-2026.

Breakings ·  Jan 29 03:51

Analysts from Goldman Sachs stated that despite the current high inflation pressures, they see signs indicating that the outlook for the United Kingdom's mid-term CPI is softening, for the following reasons: 1. The economic growth in the United Kingdom is significantly weakening, and if this trend continues, growth is expected to be just 0.9% in 2025; 2. Growth in real disposable income for households may slow down; 3. Escalating trade tensions could drag down economic activity; 4. Escalating trade tensions could drag down economic activity. Goldman Sachs indicated that while the Bank of England may slow down its interest rate cuts if underlying inflation does not improve, they believe that in response to weak demand, the central bank is actually more likely to accelerate the pace of consecutive rate cuts. Goldman Sachs expects the Bank of England to cut rates by 25 basis points at its next meeting in February, and by mid-2026, the interest rate is expected to drop to 3.25%.

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