
光大海外:维持腾讯控股“买入”评级 目标价430港元

Everbright Overseas: Maintain Buy rating for TENCENT with a Target Price of HKD 430.

Breakings ·  Jan 29 03:10

Everbright Overseas published a Research Report predicting TENCENT's revenue for Q4 2024 to reach 168.17 billion yuan (YoY +8.4%). This growth is primarily driven by the rapid growth in the gaming business and online advertising business within value-added services. Everbright Overseas forecasts a gross margin of 53.5% for Q4 2024 (YoY +3.6 percentage points), with a gross profit of 90.02 billion yuan (YoY +16.1%); the forecast for operating profit is 52.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 28.7%, and the NON-IFRS net income attributable to the parent company is projected to be 54.93 billion yuan, also a year-on-year increase of 28.7%; the NON-IFRS net income margin is 32.7% (YoY +5.2 percentage points). The company’s Buy rating is maintained, with a Target Price of HKD 430.

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