
韩国釜山航空一客机起火 起火源或为机舱内乘客手提行李

A passenger plane from Busan Aviation caught fire in South Korea, with the source of the fire possibly being a passenger's carry-on luggage in the cabin.

Breakings ·  Jan 29 03:03

On January 28 local time, a Busan Aviation passenger plane at Gimhae International Airport in Busan, South Korea, caught fire. The flight number of the aircraft was BX391, which was originally scheduled to fly to Hong Kong, China. According to local fire department reports, after the fire broke out, all 176 people on board, including passengers and crew, were evacuated through the aircraft's inflatable slide. During the evacuation, seven people sustained minor injuries from inhaling smoke while escaping and have been transferred to a nearby hospital for treatment. It is reported that the aircraft involved was an Airbus A321, and the fire occurred while the plane was preparing for takeoff. The fire started at the rear of the aircraft and quickly spread throughout the fuselage. According to local fire department sources and passengers in the cabin, the initial suspicion regarding the cause of the fire is that it was ignited by a passenger's carry-on luggage in the cabin, and the specific cause of the fire is still under further investigation. (CCTV News)

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