

Poll: 85% of Greenlanders refuse to become part of the USA.

Breakings ·  Jan 29 02:58

US President Trump has repeatedly threatened to take over Greenland, raising concerns in Denmark and other European countries, but most Greenlanders do not wish to join the USA. According to the Financial Times from the United Kingdom on January 29, a recent poll showed that 85% of Greenlanders do not want Greenland to become part of the USA. The Greenland newspaper Sermitsiaq and the Danish Berlingske commissioned the UK-based research institution Verian to conduct this poll, surveying 497 Greenlanders aged 18 and older. The results indicated that 85% of respondents do not want to join the USA, 9% have not yet made a decision, and only 6% are willing to join the USA. Trump previously claimed that Greenlanders are dissatisfied with Denmark but have a favorable view of the USA. Bloomberg in the USA pointed out that the poll results clearly do not support Trump's assertion. (Observer Network)

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