
去年净亏118亿美元 波音放弃制定2025年财务目标

Last year, there was a net loss of 11.8 billion dollars, Boeing abandoned the financial targets for 2025.

Breakings ·  Jan 29 02:57

On January 28, Boeing in the USA released its Earnings Reports for the fourth quarter of 2024. For the entire year of 2024, Boeing's revenue was 66.5 billion USD, with 348 commercial aircraft delivered, reflecting decreases of 14% and 34% year-on-year, respectively. The total loss for the year reached 11.8 billion USD, marking Boeing's largest loss since 2020. In an effort to curb losses and reform its struggling manufacturing Business, Boeing did not provide financial targets for 2025, making this the second consecutive year without performance guidance from the company.

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