

Trump's federal spending freeze order caused chaos before being shelved.

Breakings ·  Jan 29 02:32

When Trump took office, he promised to reform Washington. The chaotic 24 hours gave us a rough idea of how this might unfold. On Monday night, Trump unexpectedly announced a freeze on trillions of dollars in federal spending to ensure that government agency spending aligns with his "Make America Great Again" agenda, triggering panic among officials in Washington and across the country. The order appeared to encompass a broad range of programs, from anti-poverty initiatives to Medical research, as well as other forms of assistance for states, cities, and schools. In the midst of questions and confusion, the White House was forced to issue a second memo clarifying that the range of affected programs was limited, with Medical assistance, Social Security, and rental assistance not being impacted. This eased some of the panic, but concerns flared up again, with some states reporting difficulties accessing the portals for Medical assistance and other social programs, while a nonprofit organization in Colorado stated that it was excluded from the systems for obtaining medical and housing funding.

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