
经济研究:美国核心耐用品订单强于预期 制造业增长能否持续未定

Economic Research: The core durable goods Orders in the USA are stronger than expected, but it is uncertain whether manufacturing growth can be sustained.

Breakings ·  Jan 29 02:20

The volatile Transportation projects weakened the overall durable goods Orders data for December, but core Orders were stronger than expected. With the intention of capital expenditure improving over the last two months and companies anticipating a better Operating environment under the Trump administration, this fundamental momentum is expected to continue. Core Orders indicate an increase in demand, which is consistent with information in the December ISM manufacturing PMI. Due to the increase in Orders and improvement in factory production, the December ISM manufacturing PMI unexpectedly rose. However, some companies pointed out that business demand is being released early due to expectations that the Trump administration will implement tariffs, making it uncertain whether manufacturing growth can be sustained.

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