
鼓励主动辞职 美国将为联邦政府辞职雇员补偿8个月薪酬

Encouraging voluntary resignations, the USA will compensate federal employees who resign with 8 months of salary.

Breakings ·  Jan 29 02:18

On January 28 local time, an email sent by the U.S. government's Office of Personnel Management to federal government employees revealed that the U.S. government will provide approximately eight months of salary compensation to all voluntarily departing federal employees, but departing employees must make their decision by February 6 of this year. The email indicated that if they resign under this plan, their salary and benefits will continue until September 30, and relief will be provided for work arrangements during that period. According to relevant explanations, this move aims to quickly reduce the workforce of the U.S. government to meet the requirement to streamline government size as previously stated by Trump. However, this situation does not apply to military personnel in the armed forces, U.S. Postal Service employees, positions related to immigration enforcement and National Security, as well as clearly stated exception positions in relevant institutions. (CCTV News)

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