
德意志银行:澳大利亚联储的降息周期不会很深 澳元的疲软势头有限

Deutsche Bank: The Reserve Bank of Australia's rate cut cycle will not be very deep, and the Australian Dollar's weakness is limited.

Breakings ·  Jan 29 01:54

Deutsche Bank believes that the depreciation of the Australian Dollar may be limited, as the depth of the Reserve Bank of Australia's rate cut cycle is more important than the timing. Lachlan Dynan, a strategist at Deutsche Bank in Sydney, stated that Australia's weak inflation data may only indicate when the Reserve Bank of Australia will first cut rates, rather than the depth of the easing cycle. "Given Australia's strong labor market and fiscal activity, there is reason to believe that the rate cut cycle will not be as deep as in many other countries, which could support the Australian Dollar against some other G10 currencies." Regardless of the final interest rate pricing, the Australian Dollar may face challenges in the short term from a stronger US Dollar, as tariff premiums are hardly reflected in the overall trend of the US Dollar.

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