

Ernst & Young: In 2024, the confidence and demand of overseas investors for RMB Assets continue to increase.

Breakings ·  Jan 22 19:21

The "2024 Annual Report on China's Financial Reforms and Opening Up" published by Ernst & Young shows that in 2024, China achieved a series of significant results in financial reforms and opening up. Especially as the process for overseas investors to enter the Chinese market becomes further simplified, the variety of tradable assets gradually expands, and a series of stimulus measures for the Capital Markets are introduced, the confidence and demand of overseas investors for RMB Assets continue to increase. "On one hand, the interconnection of the Capital Markets is further accelerating. In 2024, the trading activity of the Shanghai-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect steadily increased, with the average daily trading volume for northbound and southbound transactions reaching 149.758 billion yuan and 48.108 billion Hong Kong dollars respectively, an increase of 25 times and 50 times compared to its opening in 2014." Ernst & Young further pointed out, "On the other hand, three major international indices, MSCI, FTSE Russell, and S&P Dow Jones, have included A-shares, attracting long-term funds from both domestic and overseas sources to allocate into A-share assets, which has changed the investment ecology of A-shares."

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