
乐普生物:与ArriVent就创新型ADC MRG007订立独家许可协议

Lepu Biotech: Entered into an exclusive licensing agreement for the innovative ADC MRG007 with ArriVent.

Breakings ·  Jan 22 08:18

Lepu Biotech announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that on January 22, 2025, the company entered into an exclusive licensing agreement with ArriVent Biopharma, Inc. (which is listed on the Nasdaq global market). The company grants ArriVent an exclusive license to develop and commercialize the group's innovative antibody-drug conjugate MRG007 on a global basis (excluding Greater China). According to the licensing agreement, the company grants ArriVent an exclusive license regarding the intellectual property rights related to MRG007 owned or controlled by the group. The company will receive a one-time upfront payment and recent milestone payments totaling 47 million USD, and up to 1.16 billion USD in development, registration, and sales milestone payments, as well as tiered royalties ranging from high single digits to low double digits of future net sales of MRG007 in the licensed regions.

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