
上市公司补链强链瞄准“富矿” 近三成并购标的为昔日拟IPO企业

Listed companies strengthen their supply chains and aim for 'rich mines'. Nearly 30% of the merger and acquisition symbols are former IPO candidates.

Breakings ·  Jan 20 04:18

A-shares listed companies are increasingly favoring former IPO candidates in mergers and acquisitions. A preliminary analysis shows that by the end of 2024, since the release of the 'Six Merger and Acquisition Regulations', there have been 57 significant asset restructuring and stock acquisition projects publicly announced for the first time, with 16 projects involving merger and acquisition symbols being former IPO candidates (including IPO withdrawals and termination of IPO guidance), accounting for nearly 30%. Industry insiders believe that the proportion of former IPO candidates among A-shares listed companies' merger and acquisition symbols is still lower than expected. (Securities Times)

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