
外资券商积极申请在华设立公司 争相布局中国市场

Foreign Brokerage firms are actively applying to establish companies in China, competing to layout in the Chinese market.

Breakings ·  Jan 20 02:41

In recent years, China's financial market has opened up in both directions, attracting numerous foreign Institutions to compete in laying out in the Chinese market. On January 17, Castle Securities (China) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Castle Securities") submitted its application materials, which were accepted by the China Securities Regulatory Commission. On the same day, Standard Chartered Securities (China) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Standard Chartered Securities") also received approval for its first branch to commence operations, further advancing its layout in China. In fact, since 2024, the process of foreign Institutions laying out in the Chinese market has been accelerating, with multiple foreign Institutions approved to establish securities companies in China and obtaining various business qualifications in succession. At the same time, several foreign Brokerages, including Mizuho Securities (China) Co., Ltd. and Citigroup Securities (China) Co., Ltd., are currently applying for establishment. (Securities Daily)

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