

Biden urged the Trump administration to help implement the ceasefire agreement in Gaza.

Breakings ·  Jan 20 02:23

On the 19th, USA President Biden delivered a speech urging the Trump administration, which will be inaugurated on the 20th, to help implement the ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip. Biden said that under the framework of the ceasefire agreement and the release of hostages reached between Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), the first three hostages held by Hamas were released on the 19th. At the same time, hundreds of trucks carrying humanitarian aid supplies began to enter the Gaza Strip. Biden stated that the release of the first three hostages marks the official implementation of the first phase agreement, which lasts 42 days. From the 16th day of the implementation of the first phase agreement, Israel and Hamas will negotiate the content of the second phase agreement to achieve a permanent ceasefire and ensure that Hamas no longer poses a threat to Israel. He urged the Trump administration to help implement the agreement and continue to support USA partners in the Middle East, "with deterrence as backing," and to handle Middle East affairs through diplomatic means. (Xinhua News Agency)

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