
反医药企业商业贿赂 市场监管总局出台指引

Against commercial bribery in the pharmaceutical industry, the State Administration for Market Regulation has issued guidelines.

Breakings ·  Jan 14 15:00

Recently, the State Administration for Market Regulation issued the "Compliance Guidelines for Pharmaceutical Enterprises to Prevent Commercial Bribery Risks" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guidelines"). The "Guidelines" closely align with the realities of the pharmaceutical industry, focusing on concrete descriptions and practical guidance. It summarizes and organizes commercial bribery risk points in 9 specific scenarios: academic visits and exchanges, business receptions, Consulting Services, outsourcing services, discounts and commissions, donations and sponsorships, the provision of Medical Devices for free, clinical research, and retail terminal sales, covering the entire business process in the pharmaceutical purchasing and sales field. Based on guiding pharmaceutical enterprises to accurately identify, assess, and classify commercial bribery risks, it proposes classified handling plans for these risks, guiding enterprises to fully play their primary role and effectively enhance the initiative and effectiveness of compliance management.

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