

Starbucks is no longer open to everyone: entry requires a purchase.

Breakings ·  Jan 14 04:18

According to reports, to improve the in-store environment, Starbucks (SBUX.O) has abolished the open policy that allowed everyone to enter the store. This month, Starbucks launched a new customer conduct guideline in cafes across North America, aimed at protecting the personal safety of customers and employees, enhancing their experience. This guideline reverses a nearly seven-year policy that allowed people to enter without making a purchase and use the restroom since 2018. The new policy also includes signs forbidding harassment, violence, threatening language, outdoor drinking, smoking, and begging in the store. The new customer conduct guideline aims to reverse the trends of declining foot traffic and sales, attracting more customers. Starbucks North America President Sara Trilling stated, "It is necessary to reset expectations on how our space should be used and who uses it." Executives indicated that customers need a clean and safe environment, and employees have expressed concerns about the store being open to everyone.

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