
丰田科技城“Woven City”最快今秋启动,将成自动驾驶、机器人和AI等“试验场”

Toyota's Technology City "Woven City" will start construction as early as this fall, becoming a "testing ground" for autonomous driving, Siasun Robot&Automation, and AI.

Breakings ·  Jan 10 13:01

Toyota recently announced that it will officially start the construction of the Technology City "Woven City" in Japan's Shizuoka Prefecture, located in Susono City, as early as this fall. Toyota positions it as a "testing ground" for autonomous driving Autos, Siasun Robot&Automation, and AI. This experimental city utilizes the former site of Toyota's Higashi-Fuji Factory in East Japan. Toyota employees, researchers, and entrepreneurs will gather here, with plans to develop it into a city with a population of about 2,000 in the future. Toyota plans to run the autonomous driving EV "e-Palette" and other projects within Woven City, as well as conduct internal tests that cannot be carried out on public roads using the abandoned factory.

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