

The United Kingdom claims it will deliver 0.03 million Drones to Ukraine.

Breakings ·  Jan 10 12:51

According to a report by AFP on January 9, the United Kingdom's Ministry of Defense stated on the 9th that an international coalition led jointly by the United Kingdom and Latvia to procure Drones for Ukraine will deliver 0.03 million newly ordered Drones to Kyiv. The report states that the "Drone Capability Coalition" was established in early 2024 with the aim of providing equipment to Ukraine. The Ministry of Defense pointed out that the coalition has already ordered Drones worth 45 million British Pound. It did not specify when these Drones would be sent to Kyiv. The funding for the 0.03 million new Drones provided by the coalition comes from the United Kingdom, Denmark, the Netherlands, Latvia, and Sweden. (References)

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