
何小鹏称雷军曾劝他多做点营销 何小鹏称很少关注小鹏股价

He Xiaopeng stated that Lei Jun once advised him to focus more on marketing and that he rarely pays attention to Xiaopeng's stock price.

Breakings ·  Jan 10 12:12

Recently, Xiaopeng Motors Chairman He Xiaopeng stated in an interview with Nanfeng Chuang that Lei Jun had once advised him to step away from technical products, do more marketing, and pay more attention to Social Media. "He does this far better than I do; ultimately, a company needs not only technology-driven products but also a user perspective to drive the products." Additionally, He Xiaopeng mentioned that even after Xiaopeng Motors went public, he rarely looks at Xiaopeng's stock price. "Looking at stock prices is meaningless; an increase doesn’t signify stronger capabilities, and a decrease doesn’t mean it's truly poor."

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