

GGII: In 2024, China's Lithium Battery shipments are expected to reach nearly 1.2 TWh.

Breakings ·  Jan 9 20:44

GGII's statistical data shows that in 2024, China's Lithium Battery shipments will be 1175 GWh, a year-on-year increase of 32.6%. Among them, the shipments of power, energy storage, and digital batteries are 780+ GWh, 335+ GWh, and 55+ GWh respectively, with year-on-year increases of 23%, 64%, and 14%. In terms of the proportion of technology routes, in 2024, shipments of lithium iron phosphate power batteries will be 560+ GWh, accounting for 72% of the total shipments of power batteries. (Star Daily)

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