

The United Kingdom Treasury: Fiscal rules are non-negotiable and public finances will be strictly controlled.

Breakings ·  Jan 9 07:50

On Wednesday, the British Pound and the United Kingdom's Bonds market experienced fluctuations. The United Kingdom Treasury issued a statement that the commitment to the government's fiscal rules is non-negotiable. Rising borrowing costs have added challenges for Chancellor Reeves, who is planning to issue Bonds worth hundreds of billions of British Pounds this year to fund public services and investment plans to promote growth while adhering to government limits on debt and spending levels. A spokesperson for the United Kingdom Treasury stated: "No one should doubt that adherence to fiscal rules is non-negotiable; the government will strictly control public finances." The price of UK government bonds fell significantly for the second consecutive day on Wednesday, with the yield on 10-year British bonds rising to the highest level since August 2008, while the yield on 30-year government bonds reached a 26-year high.

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