
百亿私募去年收益为23% 主观跑赢量化

The billion yuan private equity fund achieved an收益 of 23% last year, with subjective strategies significantly outperforming Algo.

Breakings ·  Jan 8 17:28

The performance of the billion yuan private equity fund in 2024 has been released. According to data from the Private Equity Ranking Network, as of December 31, among the 335 products under billion yuan private equity funds that have displayed performance, the average收益 for 2024 is 23.20%. Among these, subjective strategies greatly outperformed Algo. The subjective billion yuan private equity fund has 134 products showing performance in 2024, with an average收益 of 37.58%, of which 124 products achieved positive收益, accounting for 92.54%. Meanwhile, the Algo billion yuan private equity fund has 175 products showing performance in 2024, with an average收益 of 12.81%, of which 150 products achieved positive收益, accounting for 85.71%.

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