On Tuesday (7th), Apple's rating was rarely downgraded to "Sell" by Institutions, according to Eastern Time. The independent research firm MoffettNathanson downgraded Apple's rating from "Neutral" and set a target price of $188, which implies that Apple’s stock price will drop about 22% from the current level. According to data compiled by the media, among over 60 Analysts on Wall Street studying Apple, only 4 have given a sell or equivalent rating. MoffettNathanson's senior analyst Craig Moffett stated in the downgrade report that although Apple remains a "truly great company," its stock price has seen an unjustified rise due to an avalanche of bad news regarding Apple. This bad news includes, but is not limited to: a federal judge announcing that Alphabet’s payment of $25 billion per year to Apple for the default search position of Google on iPhones is illegal; and the poor performance of the company's Vision Pro headset. However, what worries Moffett the most is the lackluster sales of the iPhone 16, despite the release of new AI Software updates. He believes that the market is "underestimating" the risks of Apple stocks, and the company's success in AI has already been fully priced in.

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苹果公司股票评级被机构罕见下调至“卖出” iPhone 16销售不温不火引担忧
Apple's stock rating was rarely downgraded to "Sell" by Institutions, as the iPhone 16 sales are lackluster, raising concerns.
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