

LENOVO GROUP: Successfully issued $2 billion convertible Bonds.

Breakings ·  Jan 8 08:34

On January 8, LENOVO GROUP announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that on January 8, 2025, convertible Bonds totaling $2 billion have been issued to the wholly-owned subsidiary after receiving payments according to the terms and conditions of the Bond subscription agreement. Simultaneously with the issuance of the convertible Bonds, all warrants (i.e., 1.15 billion warrants) have been fully subscribed and issued according to the terms and conditions of the warrant subscription agreement, among which: 0.6552 billion warrants (approximately 56.97% of the total warrants) were allocated to no less than six independent placers; 0.2216 billion warrants (approximately 19.27% of the total warrants) were allocated to the investment holding tool Wisdom Summit Limited for management participants; and 0.2732 billion warrants (approximately 23.76% of the total warrants) were allocated to the initial warrant subscribers. The total amount raised from the Bond issuance is $2 billion (approximately HKD 15.547 billion), while the total amount raised from the warrant issuance is HKD 1.645 billion (approximately $0.212 billion).

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