The General Office of the State Council recently issued the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the High-Quality Development of Government Investment Funds." Strengthen the planning and guidance of Fund layout and direction. The National Development and Reform Commission, together with the relevant Industry authorities, should fully play the role of planning and guiding the direction, combining the capacity utilization situation of related industries across various regions, and guiding local areas to adjust the government investment Fund layout around the actual development of local industries, preventing overcapacity and low-level repetitive construction.
国办:国家发改委要会同行业主管部门加强基金布局规划和投向指导 防止产能过剩和低水平重复建设
The State Council: The National Development and Reform Commission should work with the relevant Industry authorities to strengthen the planning and guidance of Fund layout and direction to prevent overcapacity and low-level repetitive construction.
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