
本周42只基金发行 创2024年以来新高

This week, 42 Funds were issued, setting a new high since 2024.

Breakings ·  Jan 7 15:11

Entering 2025, the issuance of public funds is gradually warming up. According to the statistics based on the subscription start date, this week (from January 6 to January 12), a total of 42 funds opened for subscription, which is 1.9 times the 22 funds from last week. Notably, this single week of 42 newly issued funds sets a new high since 2024. Among them, Stock Funds are the main force in subscriptions, with 17 Stock Funds opening for subscription within the week, and passive index funds accounting for 15. Additionally, there is one enhanced index fund and one regular stock fund. Furthermore, the popularity of Bond Funds remains strong, with a total of 12 issued this week.

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