Japanese government bond prices fell in the Tokyo morning session, following the decline in US government bond prices on Friday. Fixed income strategists at Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities stated in a recent research report that market participants may closely monitor any news from the Bank of Japan to determine whether it will raise interest rates later this month. The strategists said, "The Bank of Japan still intends to gradually raise the policy interest rate, and the possibility of significant increases in base salary from the 2025 wage negotiations intensifies speculation about future interest rate hikes and limits the downside for 10-year Japanese government bond yields." The yield on 10-year Japanese government bonds rose by 2 basis points to 1.110%.
策略师:10年期日本国债收益率下行空间受限 市场关注日本央行货币政策
Strategists: The downside potential for 10-year Japanese government bond yields is limited, and the market is paying attention to the Bank of Japan's monetary policy.
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