
折价率处于历史较高水平 公募机构积极参与定增

The discount rate is at a historically high level, and public institutions are actively participating in the private placement.

Breakings ·  Jan 6 05:31

Wind News shows that as of March 3, according to the listing date of private placement shares, 32 listed companies have launched private placement projects aimed at institutional investors this year, with many public Funds participating in the private placements. Many industry insiders believe that private placement has become an important way for public institutions and other investors to allocate quality Assets. Currently, the discount rate in the private placement market is still at a high level, providing investors with better investment opportunities. In addition, public institutions participating in private placement projects not only provide funding support for listed companies but also offer greater and potential returns for investors through medium- to long-term allocations. This investment approach helps optimize resource allocation and promotes healthy market development. (Securities Daily)

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