South Korea's Netmarble studio announced it will reassess the development direction of its upcoming anime-style new game "Demis Re:Born," scheduled for release in the second half of this year, and reduce the number of developers. According to reports from the gaming Industry, Netmarble's development subsidiary Netmarble F&C has decided to cut about a quarter of the members from the "Demis Re:Born" team, totaling 20 people, originally consisting of 80 members. Among those laid off, some were transferred to other projects, such as "The Seven Deadly Sins: Cultivation" and "The Seven Deadly Sins: Origin," on the 3rd of this month, while those not reassigned received standby notices.
游戏行业开年第一裁:韩国 Netmarble 工作室宣布将缩减规模
The first major layoff in the gaming Industry this year: South Korea's Netmarble studio announced it will reduce its scale.
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